Going for her dolls hair bow
Crazy hair
Watching the goats at the petting zoo
Really tired after a day at the zoo
Going for her dolls hair bow
Crazy hair
Watching the goats at the petting zoo
Really tired after a day at the zoo
We found a great park with a wonderful playground and Lola loved it. Here are a few pictures of her playing.
Uncle Nate & Aunt Kristen got Lola this bunny buck, I thought it was so neat!
Eating lunch with Daddy Grass! I have not really thought about it, but this might have been the first time she just crawled around in the grass.
We had a brunch play date with some of my girlfriends from college on Saturday. It was so much fun to see everyone and I love being around all the kiddos! They actually all sat still on the couch for this pic, I was shocked.
Abigail & Ansley put on a show for us, they were so funny!
MawMaw had plenty of help blowing out her candles
Once the party was over, the kids loved playing in the ice bucket that held the drinks
Lola & Pop
Look at the grip on that carrot bat, we have a ball player for sure!
Last week my Mom headed back to Nashville with us and stayed for the whole week. Lola & I loved having her here, we had so much fun!