Thursday, November 3, 2011

Brantley 10 Months

Our little B-man is growing up & trying to do big things. He loves his sister, always one step behind her, trying to get into anything she touches. Funny thing is, if Lola tries to put something up where he can’t reach it, he only wants it more. About a week ago, we caught him standing on his push car & climbing on top of Lola’s play oven, it was a WOW moment.

He HATES a diaper change, it is almost impossible to change his diaper unless you pin him down.

Weight - 22lbs
Head – HUGE (must mean he is super smart)
Teeth – 8 (6 whole, 2 chipped)

He is so much fun, always smiling & happy. He loves to laugh & is extremely ticklish.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Little Farmers

I love these photos, the kids did so good! They both love being out at the farm & these photos tell it all. So blessed with 2 wonderful babies!


About a month ago, Lola & I headed to Atlanta to attend a mother/daughter tea & fashion show at my parent’s church. My Mom was the main speaker and she did such an amazing job. God has given her a great talent for teaching & spreading His word.

Lola had a blast, she loved every minute of it. At the end of the program they had a hat promenade on the runway. Lola went up on stage & walked the runway & stayed up there with Nana while she did the closing remarks.

For a week she talked about being up on the big stage with Nana holding her, it was so cute. She cried when we left, she had too much fun.

So happy MawMaw Butler was able to go and be with us.

Sister & Brother

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Brantley 9 Months

9 Months was an adventure, so many changes. Brantley not only began crawling fast, but he also started pulling up, climbing, standing on his own, etc. Today he climbed out of his walker & landed on the bathroom tile on his head. I can’t keep him in anything unless he is strapped down.

He only eats table food, he is so much happier too. He loves a turkey & cheese sandwich, he wants to take bites off instead of me tearing it up in tiny pieces. He shared oreos & milk with his Daddy last week, it was a hit.

He has 8 teeth, weighs 21 lbs (55%), 30.5 “ long (95%), head 19” (97%).

He loves being outside in his car or in the swing. He is generally a HAPPY boy & I love him so much!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


First, I just LOVE this photo, such a cute pic of my boys!

It was such a nice, relaxing, enjoyable week with family.

He loved playing Wii with Daddy

The kids loved the beach, pool, extra sweets (Sprite for Lola), & everything vacation.

He loves his car

Putt putt

Lifeguard B

Riding the waves

So tired after a day at the beach

Nana & Pop

Watching cartoons

Brantley loved swimming

Go Dawgs! So excited about the start of football season!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Fair

We took the kids to the Fair a few weeks ago and it was a huge hit. Lola begged to go every night for a week following our visit. She talked about going in detail, making a schedule of everything we would do (of course it was the exact order we did things in when we went). She has such a good memory!

We started out riding a few rides, then went indoors to see a clown show (it was really hot outside).

Lola immediately loved the show & ask to go on stage. At first she just went up there & danced around, finally the clown noticed her & included her in a trick.

Next we headed to Little One's Farming, where Brantley got in on the action!

Daddy & B
Love Lola's face in this one

Sitting in the Tractor

Digging & chewing the dirt

Lola rode a few more rides & Brantley rode a carousal for the first time. He loved it & cried when I took him off the horse.

Lola riding the big slide with Daddy


I think Lola enjoyed the homemade ice cream

Love this little girl