Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
First few weeks...

O Christmas Tree

Breakfast with Santa

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Brantley has arrived. He was born on Monday, November 15th at 11:32 am. He weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs 11 oz & 20 inches long. We were shocked at how big he was. No wonder Mommy has been miserable for the last month!

Andrew had a little bit of a rough time during the delivery. They had to call an extra ‘backup’ nurse in the room to take care of Dad. Another nurse grabbed our camera and started taking photos after the delivery. Above is Andrew laid out on the sofa with smelling salt. (I am so glad the nurse snapped this photo)!

Lola paid Brantley about 10 seconds attention & that was it. She was more interested in how my hospital bed worked & the neat telephone in the room.

The past few days Lola has been way more interested in Brantley. She doesn’t want to hold him, but she is ready for him to play. This morning they had a picnic, she loves playing doctor with him, & reading him books.
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Andrew & Lola having a little guitar lesson

Monday, November 1, 2010

On Saturday we spent a little time outdoors and carved our pumpkin.

On Sunday, we had planned to go to Trunk or Treat at our church. Well, Lola had a different plan! All afternoon she told us she was not going to church, not going trick or treating, & defiantly not wearing her kangaroo costume. In the end, she did all three and loved it! She had a great time and looked adorable in her costume. She was so excited last night, it took us forever to get her to bed.

I also included a photo of Lola with a Halloween lantern my cousin Kim gave her. It is so cute and she just loved it. The funny thing is, she calls it 'baby Moses'. It started the day Kim gave it to her and she has continued. Every time she plays with it she talks about baby Moses in his basket, it's hilarious!