Monday, June 15, 2009


I never thought my almost one year old would have long enough hair for pigtails!


chris anne said...

cristie! those pictures are so cute, but she looks so grown up with her pigtails!! she is just beautiful!

Jennifer said...

Too cute!! She is getting so big!!

Becky said...

So cute! She looks like such a big girl!

marathonmommy said...

My goodness! When did all that hair get so adorably long!?!? She'll be hanging in Nursery 3 soon, looking so grown up like that!!

Kristen said...

Yay! It is such a milestone moment, and there is no place for it in a baby book! Who are those stupid editors, anyways?

Lauren S said...

That is too cute. Seriously.

Laura Alsup said...

i can't believe it either! i'm afraid ella tate's hair will never be that long! :)

Jillina said...

OH MY! Just when I'm sure she's the cutest thing! Love her in pigtails!!

Beth said...

She's so stinkin cute! I didn't have hair til I was two!

Leslie Ware said...


Zach and Kim said...

I don't think she can get any cuter!!!!